Social Marketing

 Guiding you through the vast social media jungle.

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With so many social media platforms in existence and new ones popping up everyday, who has time to keep up with that?

The easy way to deal with this is to say “this doesn’t apply to my business” and just ignore it all. Unfortunately life isn’t that simple and taking that route will only serve to lose you great opportunities to engage your customers and attract new ones.

The good news is we have developed a proven system to help you identify, develop, and engage on only the most relevant platforms to your business.


Your customers are unique and should be treated as such. Having been involved with social media since the beginning we can tell you that not all social media platforms are created alike. Contrary to popular belief we encourage our clients to only focus on and participate using relevant platforms on which their customers reside.

We will help you identify which platforms will provide you the highest customer engagement and target audience exposure. By only focusing on those platforms that count we help make social marketing a manageable addition to the growth of your business and brand.

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Each social media platform has its own unique eco-system and social norms. Understanding these and working within them is key to successfully connecting with your customers and potential customers.

We not only educate you on what works and why for each platform, but help you develop an actionable plan that is easy to follow and breaks tasks up into easy to schedule and manage parts.

Our clients routinely experience an “aha!” moment once they understand a given platform and go from avoiding social marketing to embracing it


With an easy to execute plan you can take your customer interactions to the next level. As you follow the plan and put your new found knowledge to work you will be able to easily monitor your progress utilizing pre-identified metrics for each platform.

If hands on isn’t a good fit for your situation we are happy to handle the day to day upkeep and keep you in the loop with scheduled reports.

No Matter the method, social media is here to stay and and we are ready to help you make the most of it.

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